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period underwear come in two different absorbency.

The amount of menstrual blood that period underwear can hold varies depending on the design and absorbency. Elskbar Period panties, for example, offer two types: Regular Flow and Heavy Flow.
The regular flow panties are designed to hold up to 30ml of menstrual blood, which is equivalent to what three average tampons can hold. This makes them suitable for daily use and lighter days.
The heavy-duty flow panties, on the other hand, can hold up to 40 ml of menstrual blood, which is equivalent to what four average tampons can hold. This provides extra protection and is ideal for heavy days, night use and after childbirth.
It’s important to note that everyone’s period is unique, and these are general guidelines. How often you should change your period underwear depends on your individual bleeding.
Elskbar’s design, with the white top layer of bamboo velour, allows you to easily monitor your period and understand your bleeding, helping you make informed decisions about when to change your panties.

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